Zebra Stone






Community Projects



The Fairy Croc Father: Improving Oral Health for Aboriginal Children

GumnutsThe Fairy Croc Father: Improving Oral Health for Aboriginal Children

Aboriginal children fair far worse in terms of oral health than other Australianchildren. They are more likely to have a hospital admission for dental reasons and this is often at a younger age than other children.Aboriginal children have worse dental outcomes and often access dental care, or only when in pain.

Our team at University of Western Australia (reducing Oral health Inequities Research Group) in consultation with the Aboriginal Health Team at South Metro Metropolitan Health Service, have designed a set of posters with important messages about oral health in Aboriginal children. We acknowledge the fantastic assistance in designing the posters from Brian Kent at True Blue Australa, Ian Coate’s wonderful designs and Marlia Fatnowna who helped with ideas and liaison with the community. Involvement with the community is essential to this project. We need your assistance to develop more of these resources and get them out to the community.

We are crowd funding to help us share this resource:

We would love to hear stories about using the posters or photos and please disseminate to any groups that might assist with funding



Gum Nuts for Remote Pilbara Community

GumnutsNyoongar Artists paint Gum Nuts every week prior to starting their own painting or art glass in our workshop. Gum Nuts sell in our True Blue store for $5.00 with 100% of the money going to a small remote Pilbara community for the children.


The money is used for the kids Christmas and Birthday parties and to assist in purchasing other items they need.


Diabetes WA - Gary the Goanna

Gary Goanna Goes Healthy kids storybook and

Gary Goanna Goes Healthy kids colour in book.

Published by: Diabetes WA
Level 3, 322 Hay Street
Subiaco, Western Australia 6008
Illustrations by: Ian Coate
Aboriginal Artworks by: Serina, Portia and Cassandra
Graphic Design by: Brian Kent, True Blue Australia


For further information and to order these publications please

contact: Diabetes WA



Yelakitj Koondarm Nyungar Language Project dictionary

Nyungar wordlist for the classroom


Kiya, Wandjoo Wandjoo Nyoongar Boodjar, Nyoongar Katitjin, Nyoongar Wangkiny

(Hello, welcome to Nyoongar country, knowledge and language)

This Language Project package consists of the dictionary, ten posters and a sticker set. more.....




HELP - Health Education • Learning in Pictures help

According to UNESCO, in the world today there are about 1 billion non-literate adults*

That means 1 billion people can’t read public health information!

H.E.L.P. provides accessible health information tools to prevent sickness and death in low literacy communities.




* http://www-01.sil.org/literacy/LitFacts.htm








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